A repository of information of Filipino researchers, engineers, scientists and authors of scientific publications and basic researches in the Philippines, NRCP Research Journal publications, research-based policies, monographs, abstracts of terminal reports of completed researches, proceedings, books, annual reports, press releases and abstracts of theses/dissertations.

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Membership Information System (MemIS)

A repository of profile of Filipino researchers, scholars, scientists and engineers.

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Basic Research Information System (BRIS)

A repository of basic researches funded by the NRCP.

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Access to Repositories and Archival Materials (ARAM)

A repository of abstracts/ full text of completed terminal reports of research projects, theses, dissertations, policy briefs, proceedings, S&T news clippings, annual reports and books.

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NRCP Research Journal (eJournal)

An online publication of research results from the research projects funded by the NRCP.

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NRCP Expert Engagement Program (NEEP)

An online system that caters the requests of clients and stakeholders in various forms of knowledge transfer, expert and advisorial services by engaging NRCP members as experts

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NRCP Events

The online platform and portal of the NRCP events and calendar of activities

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Research Dissemination in Local and International Platforms (RDLIP) Financial Grants