A repository of information of Filipino researchers, engineers, scientists and authors of scientific publications and basic researches in the Philippines, NRCP Research Journal publications, research-based policies, monographs, abstracts of terminal reports of completed researches, proceedings, books, annual reports, press releases and abstracts of theses/dissertations.
Data Privacy Policy
The DOST-National Research Council of the Philippines assures its clients that every personal data shared with NRCP in relation to (1) Application for Membership; (2) Application for grants; (3) Nomination and election for Governing Board posts; (4) Nomination for the NRCP Awards; (5) election for Regular Membership, and (6) Application for RD Leadership, shall be protected according to the Data Privacy Act of 2012 and to the agency’s best ability.
NRCP’s Privacy Notice
Personal Information
When you send your concerns and other related communications to us, the following personal information are being collected:
Your full name
Your e-mail address
For Membership Application, Forms for Project Proposal Submission and RD Leadership Application, the following Sensitive Personal Information as provided by Section 13 of the Data Privacy Act shall be collected and processed by NRCP:
Marital Status
For these and other purposes mentioned above, consent from the data source shall be secured by NRCP.
Protection Measures
The information gathered/ collected will only be accessed and processed by process owners, and shall be archived in a safe physical and electronic environment by NRCP Database/System Administrators. Membership statistics would only be made accessible to the public for the agency’s intention to publicize selected statistics on NRCP website without disclosing specific identities.
Membership Information System (MemIS)
A repository of profile of Filipino researchers, scholars, scientists and engineers.
Basic Research Information System (BRIS)
A repository of basic researches funded by the NRCP.
Access to Repositories and Archival Materials (ARAM)
A repository of abstracts/ full text of completed terminal reports of research projects, theses, dissertations, policy briefs, proceedings, S&T news clippings, annual reports and books.
NRCP Research Journal (eJournal)
An online publication of research results from the research projects funded by the NRCP.
NRCP Expert Engagement Program (NEEP)
An online system that caters the requests of clients and stakeholders in various forms of knowledge transfer, expert and advisorial services by engaging NRCP members as experts
NRCP Events
The online platform and portal of the NRCP events and calendar of activities
Research Dissemination in Local and International Platforms (RDLIP) Financial Grants